Saturday, May 31, 2014

It's okay to ask!

Today was our baby shower.  It was absolutely lovely and I wouldn't change a second of it.  But just weeks ago... let's be honest.... just this morning, I was considering cancelling it.  I try to keep a positive attitude and outlook about our situation, but there are many times that I find myself worrying.  One worry that has crossed my mind many times is what we would do with all the stuff if, God forbid, we never got to bring our baby home.  Oops, sorry, is that awkward for you to read? It's part of our reality and not a part that we particularly enjoy.  But in the last few weeks, I've realized something -- nobody's future is certain.  There is no parent who knows with 100% certainty that they will welcome their baby into their home.  There is not a person in this world who knows what's coming, knows what tomorrow brings, knows what the future holds.  
We are hopeful. 

I'm SO glad we had our shower because the support from our family and friends is what helps us remain hopeful.  Our baby is so very loved and there are no words to express our gratitude. 

We know you all want to show your love and support, so let me just say this:  It's okay to ask.  It's okay to ask how we're feeling.  It's okay to ask how you can help.  It's okay to ask how the baby is doing.  Before we shared our HLHS diagnosis, these were questions I heard everywhere I went, from distant family, friends of friends, and complete strangers it seems! I thought that sharing our story would bring with it a barrage of questions, and it has done quite the opposite.  Some days I forget I'm even pregnant [okay, that's a bit of a stretch].  

After delivery, everything will be a whirlwind.  We have ten weeks left to feel "normal".  What do I mean by that?  I mean that like most pregnant women, I'm exhausted, congested, exhausted, swollen, fat, exhausted, irritable, emotional, exhausted.... NORMAL!  Please don't be afraid to talk to us about our pregnancy and about our plans.  I personally promise not to burst into tears or throw myself into a heaping pile of sobs on the floor.  It's not awkward -- it's life!  We are growing a very special baby, and we're happy to share our story with those who want to be involved! :) 

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